The CSS transition event ‘transitionend’ will not be fired if the ‘transition-duration’ applied to an element is zero. This might be very logical in the sense that “how can a transition end if it never begins?”. Still this can pose a problem. example: Let’s say you have a list of 40 horizontally aligned images. We […]
Avoiding cross-site scripting issues with iframes
At iPaper we often have clients who want to iframe our catalogs as well as interact with these. But when working with iframes, you will run into cross-site scripting limitations if both the parent and child page do not have the same origin. By “same origin”, we mean that these pages have the same protocol […]
Programmatically opening a new tab/window on Mobile Safari
On iOS devices using mobile safari your can easily navigate the user to another website or page using ordinary links and the location object. However, if you want to programmatically open a new tab or window then this is not easily done. Sure, if the method of navigation is a link that a user clicks […]
JavaScript .apply and .call methods
In JavaScript every function/object has a .call() and .apply() method. Both these methods allow you to invoke a method where you override the this reference, essentially making it seem as if it was a method on another function/object; The difference between the two methods is that .call() allows you to pass arguments for the method […]